MobileServe Impact Tracker Administrators Guide

There is also a Users Guide for MobileServe users.

How To Access the Admin Dashboard

Dashboard Home

Organization Overview

The Organization Overview is your Dashboard home and provides a quick glance at your organization. If you have any sub-organizations, they’ll be listed at the bottom of this page.

Dashboard Overview Picture



In the Users section, you can invite and manage users. The User Management page shows basic contact information as well as total service hours each user has contributed to date.

User Example


Invite Members

You have 3 options to invite users: enter addresses, upload a list, or email them directly.

To Invite Users By Entering Email Addresses

This option is best if you don’t have a lot of email addresses or for one-off invites.

To Invite Users via List Upload

This option is best if you’re inviting several new users.

To Invite Users Directly

You can bypass the in-app invitations, and simply provide your org code to your users. This option is best if you want to personalize the email or if you think people may delete (or not read) an email that comes directly from MobileServe. They can create MobileServe accounts and add the code during signup or at any point in their Settings.

Email Invitation

Invitation Email Example

View Member Details

View Member Example

Sub Orgs

In the Sub Orgs section of your Dashboard, you can create and view sub-organizations. The default page shows a list of your existing sub orgs and their total hours. Clicking “Go To” next to a name will take you to that sub org’s Dashboard.

Sub Orgs Example

Create a New Sub Org

Creating Sub-Org Example


Create A Service Opportunity

The Events tab allows your organization and each sub-org to invite users to a service project or to create multiple service opportunities throughout the year. From the Events tab in the lefthand menu:

Create Event Example

Event Invite Email

Event Email Notification Example

View or Update an Event

From the Events tab:

Update Event Example

Service Logs

View Completed Service Logs

The Service Logs section shows every log that has been submitted, whether it was verified by a supervisor (and how it was verified), and whether you have approved or rejected it. To see details of a Service Log:

Service Log Example


Approve or Reject a Service Log

The Service Logs section shows the status of every log. To review the log for approval:

Add Logs on Behalf of Members

Admins can create logs on behalf of an individual, a group, or the entire organization. This feature is useful when all members participate in a single event or when adding past hours. From the Service Logs page:

Export Service Logs

Admins can export service log data to a .csv file. The file is emailed to you (it’s sent to the email address associated with your MobileServe profile). From the Service Logs page:


Users can include photos when logging their volunteer time, and they have the option to push them to their social media channels. All photos taken by your members will appear in your Dashboard in the Photos section, regardless of whether the member posted it elsewhere. Clicking on any photo will take you to the service log it is attached to, so you can easily read the story behind the image.

Photo Example


The Reports section of your Dashboard lets you download individual infographics or combine them for a custom report. All image are downloaded as .png files.

Download Individual Infographics:

Build a Report

Build Report Example


Your Settings page shows your Organization name and Service Categories.

Add / Modify Service Categories

You can add service categories, turn categories on and off, and remove categories. From the Settings page: